Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 8 - On time

There is no planning for the unexpected - that is what makes it so.

I'm sure there is a "real" and much better quote somewhere, but that is what happened today.

We were going to give students laptops to work on their bibliographies and finish gathering Internet sources. However, no one gave Amy the combination to the lock on the laptop cabinet. Once that was received, it was already lunch. Later, we found that a password is required to print. Oh, my.

Amy filled the classes with CPR - Circle of Power and Respect - and listening/reading a book, "A long way to Chicago" which is a very good book (I plan to read it tonight).

I still have 3 lesson plans to get together, along with reading the book "Heat" and create a lesson plan for that. I must learn how the computer in the back of the room works - apparently students use the computer to take AE/AR tests (?what are these?). So much to learn still - I hope Amy has the time without taking into what she needs to do!

Tomorrow is Friday. The squirrels will want more nuts!

Day 7

Yes, Day 7 was 1/20/10 - I'm a little late.

Today the school said the Pledge of Allegiance. Apparently, this is only done on Wednesdays. I wonder why? I'm not brave enough to ask yet. The 1 minute pledge seemed to throw the kids into a 10 minute talk-fest. I'm not sure what it is that keeps them constantly talking. Is there some management trick I need to learn?

We spent each class working on transferring bibliographic information from their white sheets to different colored index cards. I get the reasoning - when students do their bibs, they will refer to the cards only, and not the white sheet to format to typing. However, the students were missing it completely. Just as they didn't write down all the pertinent information from books or websites, they didn't transfer the information correctly either. What is the disconnect?

I attended a 6th Grade Staff Meeting. It was all 6th grade teacher and the Allied Arts instructors. There were no introductions so us Student Teachers felt a bit awkward. This soon passed as Principal Hildendbrand started into his speech. He requested that teachers send out postcards to parents of students who are doing well, need some encouragement, or who have not received a card so far this year. I remember reading about this in one of my class books. I think it is a good idea; it just takes time.

I found out that 51% of all BMS students receive free or reduced breakfast! To me, that is an awful lot. In college, we are told that inner city schools are the most needy and we should consider teaching there, not here in the "suburbs". Seems someone is missing the point that we live in a rural area where there are quite a few needy families.

On January 25th, I'll have my first In-Service. I haven't decided how I feel about this.

On to tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 6 - Beginning of Week 2

Who said, "Prepare for the worst, expect the best" or something like that? Well, today was an interesting day.

Amy was home with a sick child. A sub was assigned to her class. Now, I know I'm "just" the student teacher and I've "only" been there for a week. I also know that I'm working FOR FREE and don't have a license. However, you'd think that maybe the sub would consider my input on the class just a bit? Nope. I was just the (un)paid help.

The sub ran the show. OK, he was getting paid and had a certificate and had subbed more than once. So, I deferred. That is what I'm suppose to do, right?

I did get to disclose the new seating charts and move the kids to their new seats. There was whining and complaining, which was not unexpected. I'll have to make some changes, as I was unaware of who was who's best friend or buddy, etc. There are apparently other issues of who doesn't like whom, etc. Amy and I will deal with that tomorrow.

Last week, I felt like a "part" of the class. Today, I felt like a second class citizen. I didn't much like that.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 5, End of Week One

Today I finished seating charts - which Amy will have to approve before we put them in place. I am surprised that after less than 1 week, I have an idea of who needs to sit closer to the front, who could use more intellectual attention, and who are the over-achievers.

I forgot my BSU ID and must make an appropriate thank you for Ms. Whiting. She made me a paper tag - professional and everything.

I asked those students who had not participated yesterday to share their name tents today. In 4th hour, I had 4 students who did not want to share. This will be problematic when sharing will be part of their grade. Hmmmmm

Students meant more time in the computer lab working on their research papers. I am so looking forward to the laptops in the classroom next week - less running about for me.


This week started with me afraid of getting out of bed - I end this week so thrilled and bucking at the gate to get the next one started.