Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 7

Yes, Day 7 was 1/20/10 - I'm a little late.

Today the school said the Pledge of Allegiance. Apparently, this is only done on Wednesdays. I wonder why? I'm not brave enough to ask yet. The 1 minute pledge seemed to throw the kids into a 10 minute talk-fest. I'm not sure what it is that keeps them constantly talking. Is there some management trick I need to learn?

We spent each class working on transferring bibliographic information from their white sheets to different colored index cards. I get the reasoning - when students do their bibs, they will refer to the cards only, and not the white sheet to format to typing. However, the students were missing it completely. Just as they didn't write down all the pertinent information from books or websites, they didn't transfer the information correctly either. What is the disconnect?

I attended a 6th Grade Staff Meeting. It was all 6th grade teacher and the Allied Arts instructors. There were no introductions so us Student Teachers felt a bit awkward. This soon passed as Principal Hildendbrand started into his speech. He requested that teachers send out postcards to parents of students who are doing well, need some encouragement, or who have not received a card so far this year. I remember reading about this in one of my class books. I think it is a good idea; it just takes time.

I found out that 51% of all BMS students receive free or reduced breakfast! To me, that is an awful lot. In college, we are told that inner city schools are the most needy and we should consider teaching there, not here in the "suburbs". Seems someone is missing the point that we live in a rural area where there are quite a few needy families.

On January 25th, I'll have my first In-Service. I haven't decided how I feel about this.

On to tomorrow!

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