Monday, August 31, 2009

Something to keep you busy

Here is a very rough scene I wrote. There is swearing.
Comments welcomed!

A couple stands together in the ceramic tile aisle of a big-box do-it-yourself store lit by overly-bright fluorescent lighting.
With a saccharine calm voice the first person says, “I like the sandy-red color better.”
“Well, it fits your purpose, but not the room.” says the second, disgusted and gruffly.
The first moves toward the second, and with an asp hiss in their voice “Look, you told me you didn’t want to talk about it today. You just wanted a normal day and this adventure to Home Depot” the person pauses, and continues with added anger “was your idea of normal.”
In mumbled concession, “Fine. I think the gray and blue marbly one would be a better choice.” The second crosses their arms and moves closer to the displays.
“I dunno” the first trails off. Then with a smile and modest satisfaction, “If it gets wet, there’s the danger of slipping and falling.”. The first gives a vaguely audible menacing snicker.
The second spins angrily to face the first and speaks through gritted teeth, “Damn, can’t you leave it alone?!”
The first thrusts their arms in the air and in a near scream, “What?!”
Other people in the aisle perform quick turns to stare at the couple.
The first gives a nervous laugh and in a near silent angry voice, “Shit just because I’m trying to make our life better doesn’t give you the right to be such a bitch!”
With a calmer tone in order to appease the irate partner, “It’s just that everything you say seems to refer to…”
Hurried, “Shh!”
From the corner struts a young man with tan leathered skin and rough hands. He approaches the couple, “Can I help you folks find anything? Got any questions about tile?”
With innocence the first nervously says, “Oh, no, we are just starting to decide on color and texture.”
“Oh, OK. Is this for a bathroom or kitchen?”
The couple simultaneously speak out, “A second bathroom.” As if frightened by their words, they give each other startled and awkward glances
Stepping toward the display and reaching to touch a mock-sandstone the muscled employee says, “Well, you may want to stay with something that has a rougher texture and a neutral color. That way you don’t have to worry about a slippery surface and it will be easier to keep clean.” He gives that “I work on commission” salesman grin.
The second of the couple gives off a disgruntled huff.
Confused and concerned employee “I’m sorry?”
With a snide smile and breathy voice the first person approaches him slowly.
“Nothing, my husband is just frustrated with me taking so long to decide. You know, a woman wants everything perfect. And, clean, and, neat, and, tidy…”. Her Cheshire smile fills her face.
The employee takes an uncomfortable step backward from the couple. “Yea, I, uh, suppose.” He gives a questioning stare at the man. “Well, I’ll just let you two talk some more. If you need any help, my name is Brad. Here’s my card.” As he hands the woman his business card she lightly touches her hand to his.
As she approaches Brad, a scheming glint in eyes and smile, “That’s funny; my brother’s name is Brad, too. And, ya know,” prowling around him, looking slowly up and down his frame, “you look a bit like him. Same build, hair’s a little longer, no beard. I didn’t notice it until just now.”
Nervously the man moves over to her. “Honey, I think we should…
She stalks closer to Brad and purrs “No, maybe Brad can be of help to us.” She circles Brad, moving closer with each round.
“Well” unsure and uncomfortable, with motivation to earn commission Brad speaks, “I’ll be glad to help you”
She cuts him off sharply and with another purr, “Would you be willing to…”
“Tess, no!” he yells as he darts between the two.
Tess scowls at her husband and in a second smoothly turns to Brad and with a honey-dripping voice says, “Excuse my husband; he has been very anxious about our ‘project’.”
The husband regains his composure. “Brad, I should be the one to apologize. My wife just wants to make sure we make the right choices.”
They couple stands toe to toe, her shoulders rounded, and ready to pounce; he planted with bending knees ready to move in any direction.
Brad feels his hair stand on end. “I think I should be…”
Suddenly his hip radio blasts with a transistor man’s voice. They are all startled from their places. The hear, “Brad that shipment’s in. Can you come to the loading dock and give us a hand?”
With a quick nervous grasp, Brad pushes hard on the Talk button. In a hurried voice, “Yea! I’m comin’ right now!”
Brad politely turns to the couple and explains, “Uh, sorry I couldn’t be more help folks. I hope you find what you want.” He gladly rushes away.
Tess’s voice is guttural, “Oh, I found what I want…”
The husband has had enough. “Goddam bitch!” he tensely whispers. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Look” Tess snarls, pointing at him with her long finger nailed index finger, “you have been a pansy about everything since we got married. That’s why we live with this woman!” Her rage builds, her voice rasping, “She is a royal bitch and you are her lap dog! If you want to stay married to me, you either do this and make it look like an accident, or I’ll just reveal your sick secrets to the DA.”.
The husband opens his mouth, and then closes it slowly. With shoulders slumped, cowering to her, “OK, I hear you.” He gulps for air. “But, why does it have to be so, so,” he hesitates “so gory?”
Tess gives a sigh of disgust and, for the third time in three days explains, “You need to help me do this; she trusts you. We need to work as a team.”