Friday, February 19, 2010

Being Observed

Today was Day 2 of poetry. It went much better than yesterday! Asking the students to completely clear their desks, and telling them I would be asking them to discuss the poem I read really seemed to help with their participation. So much so that, after discussing the WM Carlos WMs poem, M.B. shared his poem - and the kids had fun and then were amazed that they learned something!

During 5th hour Mr. Coe observed. He was impressed with everything and said I was proficient in quite a few areas. He did say that I didn't seem to have a good boundary between myself and students. I've got to think about that and work on it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Caught Up!

Wednesday, February 17

Today I began the Poetry unit. It is going to be a longer unit than I originally planned. I am hoping that the students get more out of this unit than they have with other lessons over the last several weeks.

I read a poem from the book "How to eat a poem" in the hopes it would start them thinking. It worked for all but one class. There is always tomorrow!

Missing Days

Friday, February 12 I was not in school. My husband had emergency spine surgery.

Monday, February 15 there was no school, to observe President's Day.

How to handle a bad day

Today was not such a good day. I know it happens to everyone in every profession. I feel like I cheated the students, though, not being at my best. Having "personal" problems is difficult when I'm trying to be personable. Most of the kids, though, understood and cut me some slack. But, of course, there are those who are so caught up in their own lives that a teacher having a bad day doesn't matter.

I have to say that not feeling 100% when I am teaching is heartbreaking. I want to give students 110% of myself all the time! They will forgive me and I'll make up for it!

Envelopes and Question Marks

Today was Postive Peer Relations day. I taught students how to address an envelope. I am still surprised that, at the age of 11, most kids did not know how to do this! I was writing letters when I was 8 - but, that was way before email, Internet, and cable TV.


February 9

Today we took each hour to the book fair in the library. Actually, I didn't go until 5th hour, as I was busy getting the ActivBoard to work properly - and my knee was bothering me.

The only thing of interest was something that happened to me. I mentioned before that there are a lot of students who are from very low income homes. Some of these kids are bright, interested, and just plain good. Some of these kids also wanted books to read. Each hour I wanted to pull out my wallet and say, "Here. Buy a book for yourself." But, I couldn't. And that broke my heart.

Many Posts

I am behind 5 Journal Entries. I've decided to make them individual entries, for ease of reading.

February 8

Today was a mixed bag - some from Mrs. Skala, some from me. We started with Unit 13 Spelling worksheets. The students knew the "drill" and helped me along. First, I read the words; second I explain the worksheet; third, I give them time to work on it. Simple enough.

Then, I had the students work on goals. Amy gave me the goal sheets the students created in their first weeks of school. I pushed the students - I asked them to create or re-write 2 goals, one personal and 1 academic. It was a disaster! I don't know if I was asking too much of their developing brains (and I'm not being mean) or if they just didn't care. Perhaps my instructions were not clear or I explained too fast. I'm not sure.

As much as I like this group of students, I don't know if I can get to the level of explanation they need. I'll have to get out my Ed Psych book and review brain development.