Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Read..oh, and Read...btw, Write, too

First week of classes and I'm excited! Well, as excited as I can be with a part-time job that is about 8 hours more than "part", tiredness, and that bothersome migraine thingy...

I love being in school! I love to learn and I love to anthropolizes (yes, I made up yet another word :) people and instructors and classes. Just look at the lovely bevy of learning potential I have this semester:
  • Teaching Shakespeare or Read a play a week and get a sheepskin!
  • Linguistics or How come I speak English this like?
  • Literary Criticism or What some dead guys thought about other dead guys stuff.
  • Developmental Reading for the Middle School or Are you sure you want to teach hormones how to behave?
Not much happened so far this week. I'll give you the breakdown this week-end.
