Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today, some Minnesota Twins baseball players came to the school. The 6th and 7th Graders got to "visit" with them in the gym. Kids were excited for one of two reasons (1) they were going to see Minnesota Twin players; or (2) they would get out of 3rd hour class. The visit lasted 25 minutes. I think the adults were more excited than the kids about the visit. I did not go to the rally. There were 3 reasons for that (1) I don't care for or about baseball {I lost all interest around 1990} (2) I had much to get done during my new prep time and I did use it wisely and (3) I still don't do well with crowds.

Otherwise, today went quick and smooth. For the first 2 hours, I worked with students on creating or finishing their bibliographies. For the 4th & 5th hours, I instructed students how to organize their ideas for their research paper using the form Amy found. I'm not sure what was easier or more frustrating - kids on computers or kids with pencils. I don't have any quippy remarks or cool insights. This is something I'll have to think about.

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