Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let's try to not get behind again!

Here are the posts for March up until this past Friday:

March 19 Spelling Quiz, 16 minutes of Heat, recommended they use their vocabulary and outline sheets while listening, last day for poetry books less 10 points; I’m really concerned I will be unable to obtain a teaching job. Not because I promised my daughter we would not leave the area for 2 years, but that I have no references who can say, “yes, she knows how to teach”. Kyle said to substitute teach or volunteer to coach or volunteer somewhere else. I can handle the substituting, but, considering my financial situation, volunteering just isn’t possible right now. Does this mean I’ll never teach “for real”?

March 18 Baseball key terms, correct spelling, very little Heat, how to write full sentences – amazing that students think it is enough to just give one or two words for an answer to a question – “You have the questions right there!” “And what if I don’t?” “Then it won’t make any sense, duh?!” Concept is lost on them!

March 17 CPR of Shamrocks, no Heat listening due to time, handout heat outline and vocabulary, remind of spelling WS and quiz

March 16 DARE

March 15 Spelling WS, History of Baseball, Author Mike Lupica, Write up 2 students & call parent; I did not like “writing up” students, but I understand the need for it – it is difficult to manage a classroom and impart knowledge if all you are doing is giving warnings to disruptive students. (copy of write up attached)

March 12 Poetry books due, spelling quiz, poetry theatre, work on books; Because I am a softy, just like Amy, I gave the students 30 minutes of class time to finish up their poetry books. This time was put to good use by ½ of the students who had not finished before class. The balance of the students are ones who just don’t seem to care. The students who did finish were given time to orally present their poetry “poetry theatre” which I found students would stay quiet for – maybe some of that idea of respect is seeping in!

March 11 Spelling WS, work on poetry books

March 10 CPR Paper bag greeting, didn’t go over as well as I would have liked

March 9 Computer lab, make up of poetry vocab quizzes, students present poems orally

March 8 Spelling WS, work on Poetry books

March 5 Computer lab, writing time; This was another opportunity for me to give individual instruction to students who were still having difficulties in writing their poetry. I have to ask myself why are they still lagging behind – is it me or is it them? Amy tells me that, first off, there is no way to be sure which it may be; second, if most of the kids are getting it and are progressing, then it is the students who are not catching on or applying themselves. The reasons for this could be varied – however the prime suspect at this stage (age and time of year) would be the kids don’t think it is important, so they aren’t giving it as much attention as their other studies or their lives. Does this mean that in order to have the students really learn about poetry that I’d have to give them direct instruction, many quizzes, and a cumulative test – like I got when I was in school? I hope not as I didn’t learn as much that way and it was boring!

March 4 Writing Time, poetry vocabulary using Lit book

March 3 CPR – name tent greeting; poetry vocabulary, discuss late work

March 2 Vocabulary quiz, poetry book rubric; although I do not wish to assign a failing grade to any student, why is it that if a student earns a failing grade that they cannot be forced into summer school or to repeating the year – or at least the subject they failed?

March 1 Computer lab, discuss syllabic & rhyme rules, rhyming dictionaries

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