Monday, September 8, 2008

To Midsummer or 12 Orange Hamunaptras?

The title is a complete inside joke that only one - maybe 2 - reader(s) will get. On with it...

I have to pick a play. To be more precise, I have to pick one of the 9 plays we are reading in Teaching Shakespeare. Considering I'm still not "getting" his plays (I think it is the word choice of his) .. the assignment is to create a 10-1 hour lesson plan, er, lesson based on one of the plays, using the teaching suggestions from our text.

I do apologize, I'm coming down with a cold and I'm wore-out.

I thought if I picked a comedy, I'd enjoy the assignment more. However, I'm missing the humour in Midsummer and 12th Night. I don't want to pick R&J because, well, everyone does. But, I could use it in some ultra-inventive way that no one has thought of...


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